The Flirty Approach – How To With A Mature Woman


If you’re using milf dating platforms, then you must know how to ask questions. Flirtatious aka flirty questions can help you make faster progress overall with some mature women. However, that’s not always the case. There are some instances where this can backfire.

The good news for you is that I’m here to share my tips and tricks on asking mature women flirty questions. Please read this if you’re trying to meet women on MILFPlay. It’s going to help you for sure! I’ll kick things off with a basic overview. If you have any questions after reading the article, remember, you can always email me!

Flirty Mature Women

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Asking Milfs Flirty Questions – An Overview

Let’s start with the basics…

If you’re engaged in a conversation with an older woman and you’re looking to elevate your flirting to the next level, you have a plethora of different choices to consider. It’s crucial to ensure that the questions you pose will captivate her without driving her away.

Unfortunately, many men mistakenly resort to asking overly sexual questions, which convey the message that the woman stands to gain nothing more than mere physical intimacy from them. This approach typically isn’t what most women seek. They can easily find casual encounters whenever they desire.

When mature women are genuinely interested in finding a partner, they desire the assurance that they can enjoy wonderful experiences with him beyond just physical interactions. This is why it’s essential to ask questions that express your interest while simultaneously conveying that you’re seeking more than a fleeting encounter.

Here are some ideas to consider when thinking of questions to ask her during your encounter online and offline.

Make It All About Her

The very first step you should take is to ensure that your questions center around her. You’re aiming to genuinely get to know her better, and this is the perfect way to achieve that. Inquire about her aspirations in life and where she envisions herself in the future.

After establishing that foundation, you can seamlessly introduce the flirting element by asking about the type of man she imagines being with. Explore what sort of guy she enjoys dating and what activities she loves indulging in when spending time with them.

Following that, you can delve into more specific queries. For instance, ask her how she feels about public displays of affection and whether she appreciates grand romantic gestures.

Additionally, try to uncover the most romantic gesture anyone has ever performed for her. That information could pave the way for securing an actual date with her when you’re ready to take that step.

What To Ask On A Date

Once you’re out enjoying time with her, you still need to be discerning about the questions you ask. Start by asking her what she’s drinking.

This sets a positive tone for the date and will help her feel more relaxed around you. Then, you can dive deeper into more meaningful discussions.

Questions like whether she is the kind of person who engages in hookups can be revealing. Furthermore, inquire whether she has ever done anything spontaneous in public.

Finally, pose a playful question about what she would do if you leaned in and kissed her right at that moment.

Conclusion: Save The Sex Talk

One of the key principles to remember is to postpone any discussions about sex for as long as you can. Flirting with a woman becomes much easier once you clearly understand your primary objectives.

Your goal is to capture her interest, not simply bombard her with questions. Focus on asking her questions that she is genuinely excited to answer, and ensure that you’re prompting her to think about the possibility of you as a potential partner.

This approach is the most effective way to transition from initial flirting to dating and potentially something deeper. So, make sure you ask those intriguing questions, and ensure that you give her ample time and space to respond thoughtfully.

My comment here is simple: the flirty approach can lead to flings if you do it right. Keep that in mind!

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